October 22, 2003                  


To: Congressman George Radanovich , Chair Parks Committee

From: Oscar Braun, Executive Director California Watershed Posse

Subject: Congressman Tom Lantos sponsored bill, H.R. 532 ( Rancho Corral de Tierra )


Dear Chairman Radanovich,


Yesterday I was informed by the California Farm Bureau that “Mr. Lantos’ bill, H.R. 532 passed out of the Parks Subcommittee today WITHOUT the farmland.  The bill was amended by the Chair to exclude this land.  Now the bill moves on to the full committee.”  On behalf of all the rural farm families here in San Mateo County, we say in one united voice, thank you and God bless you Chairman Rodanovich .  You have provided the leadership in protecting California’s agricultural community’s future.


Our non-profit Coordinated Resource Management & Planning (CRMP) Council has filed a  Writ of Mandate against the Mid-Peninsula Regional Open Space District (MROSD).  We have asked the  Superior Court here in San Mateo County to conduct a “ Judicial Review” under CEQA of the MROSD 140,000 acre San Mateo County Coastal Annexation proposal.  The lands of the Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) have been identified as being part of the MROSD Annexation strategic plan. 


Our CRMP Council has established an environmental database for Parks & Open Space Trusts found at for the purpose of providing  regulatory agencies, courts and the community at large public documents that reveal the lack of stewardship , watershed management, environmental studies, toxic studies and compliance with Federal and State environmental protection statutes.  We have already received the entire “Administrative Record” (7,787 pages) from MROSD.  We’ve taken their 32 volume document record and commissioned a court certified recorder to place the entire MROSD Administrative Record in pdf e-format with advanced search engine capabilities.  The whole Admin Record can be completely reviewed in under three hours.  Discovery in related lawsuits is expected to include a deposition of POST President Audrey Rust and investigations into POST holdings, including Rancho Corral de la Tierra.


The California Watershed Posse is asking Chairman Radanovich and the full Parks Committee to NOT consider  any further action on H.R. 532 until AFTER the Court has concluded their Judicial Review of the MROSD and POST holdings.  The CWP will of course provide the Congressional Parks Committee a complete searchable pdf copy of the POST & MROSD Administrative Record, certified watershed environmental studies , State certified appraisals, the Superior Court ruling and  testimony.


Common Cause executive director said, “Grey Davis has established a “pay to play” dynamic throughout state government.” Mr. Lantos’ ( $15 million H.R. 532), like Senator Feinstein’s ( $100 million Cargill Salt Ponds deal) clearly have embraced former governor Davis’ “pay to play” re-election fund raising scheme .  Tom Lantos $15 million political campaign payback bill (H.R.532) doesn’t pass the smell test. Lantos supported Grey Davis’ veto of State Senator Byron Shers bill that would have required full public disclosure of all details ( certified appraisal, toxic studies, EIR, stewardship costs etc) prior to the spending of taxpayers money.   In our view, Mr. Lantos has not provided a single compelling “legal, ethical or statutory reason” for proceeding full speed with his $15 million  “pay to play H.R. 532  BEFORE there is full Congressional oversight and public disclosures regarding 1) toxic studies, 2) State Certified Land Appraisal 3) Certified EIR and 4) conclusion of Judicial Review.  As Governor-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger declared the night of his election victory  “If business as usual wins…..we the people loose.”