1)  California is ranked the world's fifth largest economy, a well known fact. The State of California also has the dubious reputation of being corrupt.  Most rural lands Americans know that this State is the world leader when it comes to racketeer influenced corrupt organizations (RICO). The Golden State, under  Grey Davis leadership,  was reorganized into a "Pay to Play" cartel known as CARICO. The CARICO organzied crime families  are headed by  a well established syndicate of ultra radical "green non-profit 501C3 tax exempted"  racketeer influenced corrupt organization known as  COSA. The COSA "Enterprise" crime syndicate began its ascendancy in 1978 in response to the overwhelming approval of Proposition 13 The impact of this taxpayer led rebellion on California's body politic was devastating. How could ``corrupt government" survive in a world where the people refused to be over taxed?! The defeated COSA 5th Column embarked on a search for a new vision that would embolden them politically and financially. This new vision for governing California needed to be the perfect scheme with a proven marketing strategy; needed to  provide ever growing revenue streams (no longer called taxes in CA); needed no political accountability, and most importantly provided maximum job security for government employees and elected officials while providing protection from virtually all judicial review. After their arduous week long search for their new holy grail, they discovered the perfect organizational model right here in the western hemisphere with a proven track record for success in  America… Columbia's Cali Cartel.

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2) The CARICO cartel consists of three separate branches of operation that combined transformed the pre-Prop. 13 Initiative's dysfunctional and out dated three constitutional branches of California government : Executive, Legislative and Judicial. The CARICO cartel is a mirror image of the Cali Cartel model with the same combination of separate branches formed to regulate production, pricing, and marketing of goods and services by it's cartel members. The COSA cartel ``revenue stream/funding" strategy is to limit all forms of competition from any non CARICO cartel run enterprises aka the private sector enterprises. The CARICO cartel has set up their trust in the hope of gaining a monopoly over all California's constituency land use civil right. The CARICO cartel's power to control ``land use" is the power to extort their ``revenue streams" from virtually all the people all of the time. The `` environmental land use" regulatory power of the CARICO cartel is absolute. And absolute power corrupts absolutely. The CARICO quit simply, is running a state sponsored ``protection racket"…a very successful criminal enterprise as old as prostitution.

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4) The Who's Who in California's CARICO Cartel: Governor ``Pay To Play" Davis, State Resource Secretary Mary Nicoles, California Coastal Commi-Czars & Executive Coastal Czar for Life Peter Douglas, Committee for Green Foothills (CGF) lobbyist Lennie Roberts, CGF's , a Da Envirocult high priestess aka 6th San Mateo County Board of Supervisor for life, Da Envirocult mouth piece Mark Massera, Kenneth Adelman aka CCC Spy in the Sky, San Mateo County Board of Supervisors Richard Gordon, MROSD's Mary Davey (President of CGF) & Eminent Domain Director Craig Britton, Peninsula Open Space Trust aka POST Audrey Rust (former Da Envirocult Fund Raising Director, San Mateo County Environmental Planning Services Terry Burnes, Maria Raines, Brian Zamora, Dean Peterson, Bill Cameron, San Mateo County Planning Commission, San Mateo County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), San Mateo County Farm Bureau's Administrator Jack Olsen, and an every growing flock of unstable, incompetent, corrupted Da Envirocult activist county, state and federal bureaucratic employees ineptly manipulating California's natural resource regulatory agencies to name but a few.

